Tract No 5 T-Shirt


The Guardian Newspaper : Paris, 6 May 1968

"Paris the venue later this week for the opening of the Vietnam peace talks, was stunned tonight after a day and a night of riots by at least 10,000 students on a scale unequalled in post-war years.

St Germain des Pres, the capital’s literary and cultural centre, resembled a battlefield after several hours of fierce clashes between students – supported in some cases by university teachers – and the police. The Place St Germain des Pres and the Rue de Rennes running from the Place to Montparnasse station was a shocking sight late tonight"

100% cotton 7 0z weight

Printed T shirt 


The thick, crisp fabric is made with open-end yarn. 

The collar rib has a double stitch and the thread count has also been modified to create a heavy-duty neck. 

30 degree wash NO tumble dry 

T shirts are made to order & will be shipped within ten days 

type: Sportswear by: 6876

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