Weatherman T-Shirt


Weather Underground, A militant group of young white Americans formed in 1969 that grew out of the anti Vietnam War movement. The Weather Underground, originally known as Weatherman, evolved from the Third world  Marxists, a faction within (SDS), the major national organisation representing the burgeoning new left in the late 1960s.

 Members of the Weather Underground sought to advance communism through violent revolution, and the group called on America's youth to create a rearguard action against the U.S. government that would bring about its downfall.

100% cotton 5.5 0z weight 

Printed T-Shirt 

The thick, crisp fabric is made with open-end yarn. 

The collar rib has a double stitch and the thread count has also been modified to create a heavy-duty neck. 

30 Degree Wash NO Tumble Drying 

T shirts are made to order & will be shipped within ten days 

type: Sportswear by: 6876

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